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Neighborhood Watch

Homeowners willing to provide their email address to the Charter Greens at Pine Creek Neighborhood Watch can get updates directly from the Charter Greens at Pine Creek Neighborhood Watch. You can provide them your email address by contacting them at CharterGreensNeighborhoodWatch@outlook.com.



Notifications from the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD)


The following information was passed along by a Colorado Springs police officer.


“I’ve gotten 3 reports of someone calling an individual claiming to be Sgt. Newton and saying they had a warrant out for their arrest. Each time the warrant was for a missed court date plus they were told to stay on the line plus report to the police operations center (POC) and then he would tell them what to do. Each time they were called from 719-444-7000 and texted/called from 719-422-6430. The first lady did receive texts from another number however she was unable to remember the number. The dates of the attempted scams were 10/09/20 and 10/10/20 the first and second ladies reported it.”


Just a reminder that no one at CSPD will ever contact you and ask for payment over the phone. Also, remember that there are apps out there that allow people to disguise their phone number to look like a different number. In this case the scammer spoofed our POC number (444-7000), but he was certainly not calling from the POC. If you receive a call like this and would like to verify its authenticity tell the scammer that you need to confirm with officer Brian P. Corrado, Crime Prevention Officer, Falcon Division Colorado Springs Police Department, and then contact him at 719-444-7246 or Brian.Corrado@coloradosprings.gov. Anyone on the department would be okay with that, so if the person gets upset and tells you to stay on the line you can be certain that it is a scammer.