Welcome To Charter Greens at Pine Creek

HOME PAGE Plan Submittal Community Resources Neighborhood Watch


Welcome to the Charter Greens community website. Charter Greens is a covenant-controlled neighborhood. The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is the entity that oversees and enforces the covenants with the intention and purpose of preserving the home values in Charter Greens.


Property changes require approval by the ARC.  See the Plan Submittal page for the plan submittal form and procedures.




ARC Meetings are open to the public.


The ARC meets at 7:00 pm on the fourth Wednesday of each month from March through October at the Colorado Springs Fire Station 19, 2490 Research Parkway, in the Community Room. No drinks or food allowed. 


For the months of November - February, contact ARC at chartergreens@msn.com


Charter Greens Covenants and Resolutions

Downloadable PDF files of  the current Covenants and Resolutions are at the link below.  

Charter Greens Covenants and Resolutions



Plan Submittal - procedures and form






The ARC is made up of Charter Greens resident volunteers.  There are many opportunities available to help maximize home values in our community.  Volunteers are needed for  board membership, entrance garden committee, and Neighborhood Watch captains. Email: chartergreens@msn.com if you are interested in joining us!