Charter Greens Entrance Revitalization Project

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Photo Gallery of Entrances

The ARC is very excited to take on this very important project for our community--cleaning up and replanting our Charter Greens entrances.  It is our goal to preserve property values and to continue to make Charter Greens a First Class neighborhood.  What better way to do this than with the entrances to our development!   But, to make this happen we need volunteers to help plant and maintain these entrances.  If you are interested in either donating money, plants or time to this effort, please e mail us at  Thanks!


The City of Colorado Springs continues to stuggle with the grass along the entrances to our neighborhood.  Lack of water and winterkill has led to weeds and lack of growth.  Efforts are underway to seek Zerascape options for this area.  

Roundabout South--Before

Look for photo in August

Roundabout North--Before

Look for photo in August

Treelake South--Before

Look for photo in August

Treelake North--Before

Look for photo in August

Craycroft South--Before

Look for photo in August

Craycroft North--Before

Look for photo in August

Chapel Hills & Lexington--Before

Volunteers recently repainted this sign